For me, all the things that exist in the society are "culture", especially, the things that are product of the social relations. But in specific, the pop culture is the evidence that is product of the modernity and the idea of the "global world". We live in a world that is full of identities, because we have different histories and we have the possibility to choose any way of life. We can to think that this condition only exist in the west society, but now, are happening in a great area of the world.
I think that the problem (or no problem :s) is that we are living the globalization. With this situation, now exist something like a "culture`s explosion", because we have the tools to experiment any identity and use elements that didn´t exist here before. This global system have mechanisms for arrive to the people; the mechanisms that help to keep the system are the publicity, the new technologies, the T.V, the social networks, etc.
For this condition, today, we can see in our society a lot of identities groups. They adopt characters of others cultures like the people that practice hip hop or the young people that dance Asiatic performances. In our daily life we can see the products of the globalization too: we have facebook, we can to talk with people that live in other continent, we can eat sushi, we can listen music in other idiom, etc.
But the globalization have a problem: the dependence. In this ocassion, I don´t want to talk about the economic dependence with the developed countries (This is a big problem !). Now, I am talking about the "daily dependence"; we need computers, video games, music and T.V. In our country, for example there are poverty problems, and the people prefer buy technology before that help to the others. In fact, anthropology invetigations said that there are people that prefer buy a car before to fix the floor of their houses. THE GLOBALIZATION CREATE AMBITIOUS FEELINGS.
But the people haven´t the fault. The fault is of the system. I think that we have to recognise that live in this system, but we can to ta take the globalization´s tools and do good things with this products. My positive message is that WE CAN LEARN TO THE OTHER CULTURES, KNOWLEDGES AND FEELINGS.
Sorry for my excessive and long post :(