Friday 22 August 2014

I would like to know the mexican people :)

I would like to know Latin America. I feel that is necessary learn about the cultures that are near to our country. We share with the Latin american countries the same history. If we break the borders, we would break with the stereotypes and we would appreciate the wonderful cultures that exist in our land.

Following this argument, I want to know Mexico. In fact, I would like to return to Mexico, because I traveled to this place when I was a child. In this time, I didn´t appreciate the culture and now, I am very repentant. I traveled with my family and we stayed in a wonderful hotel, but I didn´t know outside of the "tourist area".

Now, I believe that this country is interesting for many reasons. In a first place, Mexico have a rich official history. The maya and azteca cultures existed here and now, there are archaeological register. Of course, I would like to visit the archaeological sites. 

Nevertheless, my principal motivation for travel to Mexico, is know the no official history. In this place,  different policies and cultural movements have developed. There are many identities, histories and legends.

In Mexico there are a traditional culture and exist a rich pop-culture. The diversity is important for this society. I would know the people, the little villages, the music, the food !! 

I would like to study in Mexico because the culture is alive !! In addition, the mexican anthropology is very developed and I think that would be incredible study near of this beach. 


  1. i love mexican food!! tacos tacos tacos tacos!

  2. Hi Andrea!
    I love Latin America because has enigmatic cultures and landscape.
    Mexico must to very interesting, but i consider Bolivia the most beautiful and interesting country of Latin America, I visit this country in the last summer and I am in love of Bolivia and your fried chicken.

  3. I also find the latin American culture wonderful. I need to visit a few more places. I have never been to Mexico, though. I 'd love to visit one day.

  4. what do you think about colombia? my friends told me that it is wonderful too!
