Friday 24 October 2014

A little of our sexual bodies

Hello classmates ! I am not sure about I tell you that I like the feminist action. It´s necessary tell this for write this post. Anyway, today I want to talk about things that I have been thinking in the last time.

I believe that for think in feminism, is necessary understand that we are victims to the system. For this reason, the particulars persons live the patriarchal problem every day. In general, the feminism understand that the sexual problem that live the society; is consequence to the patriarchy system. The rules of society are make for men. In this situation, the woman and the others sexual identities are forgotten. The gender`s rules are express in our bodies and our behaviour is based in this hegemonic sexual division. 

In other way, I want to say that I think that is necessary that the people understand the gender problem, because the situation is present in our daily life. The patriarchy is violent !! The sexual discrimination is a phenomenon that happen in the street, job, school, university, politic spaces, private spaces, home, etc. In addition, the level of the discrimination depends of the position of the person in the society; for example, a man can be suffer  for have  masculine-hegemonic behaviour, but an aborigine woman can be suffer sexual and xenophobic discrimination.

I wrote this explication for invite you to talk about the woman experiences. With a good friend, Consuelo, have been speaking about our bodies and the control that the system have about their. In this context, we will have a "taller" to speak and understand about  our "formal bodies". In fact, the symbolic system and the medical system have control of the natural process of our bodies and our sexualities. On one side, this control is problematic  because we are accustomed to use chemical elements, like pill contraceptive. For other way, there is a symbolic problem, because the society teach that the woman body is subordinated, our menstrual flow is  horrible and our bodies smell bad.

We think that is necessary finish with this taboos; and is the moment to think that the feminist action began with think in our bodies.


  1. today there is a Queer party on the campus, you should totally go!

  2. Hi Andrea!
    Yesterday arrive me yhe invitation for this event, you can have with me in this occasion.

  3. I think it is a great initiative. I always think about the discrimination women suffer in all senses. It makes me sad to see so many younger and older women don't think about it much. I have hope that things are changing, tough.
