Friday, 21 November 2014

The Engineer Barbie

Hello class! Today I read news that I want to share with you; because this situation is other form to say that we live in a sexist world yet!!

Mattel began to steal a book that show the computer engineer Barbie. The problem is that in the book, said that Barbie depend of men for be a computer engineer. The book was published in 2010, but the situation was met for a publish opinion in the Pamela Ribon`s blog. Pamela wrote that the author of the book tells that Barbie had problems with her pink laptop and said to her men colleagues. But, her colleague answers that if Brian and he help her, her work will be more fast …and effective!! . The problem is that the story assume that girls can`t be a coders and fix the virus`s problems. In fact, they said the Barbie can be a designer!!

This post was very popular and the people began to made criticizes by the social networks. Mattel did a clarification that say that the content`s book don`t represent the brand`s vision and answer for publish apologizes.

Well, I believe that is necessary to demand this situation because this information was received by girls!! I think that the children`s games are important ways for the education. When a girl learns to play with a Barbie or babies, she is learning to be a traditional woman. The toys are mechanisms for reproduce the gender rules!! …And in this phenomena, the problem is more big when the Barbie is defined like a person who isn`t so intelligent in comparison with her men colleagues.  The woman is discriminated and the blonde woman is defines like stupid… 

The professional activities shouldn`t be separated by sex, because all persons have the same abilities!!

The blonde woman isn`t stupid!!

And the children`s toys should be to learn about the diversity identities!! 

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Mean Girls !!

Hello ! Today, I`ll talk about  my favorite movie. Really I don`t like the complex movie very much; I prefer comedy or drama productions because I want to feel happy :)

Well, then of my clarification, I can say that my favorite movie is Mean Girls !!! Mean Girls is a classic of the teenager movies and basically show all the stereotypes of the american society. The story is based in Cady (Lindsay Lohan). Cady is the new student of the class in the High school; she had be living in Africa in her infancy. In this plance, Cady meet to Janis and Damian; and they will be friends.

In the school there is a popular girl`s group called "The plastics": Regina, Gretchen and Karen.The members of the group are definite like  stupid girls that haven`t heart. Nevertheless, The Plastics are the most popular girls of the high school. Cady decide to enter to the group for know their evil strategies, and destroy the group. But, with the time, Cady becomes to plastic girl. Cady met to Aron and she is in love him; but the problem is that Aron is the ex-boyfriend of the lider of ThePlastic,Regina George.
In definitive, Cady pretend to be friend of Regina, but in the reality, she only is making  impossible her life.

The first time that I saw the movie, I think that was a funny moment. But now, I think that is a great production !! Although you can think that is a superficial movie, y really think that have a social content. In fact, the feminism movements considerer that is a recognition of the women power.

I think that in this movie, we can see  gender problems that live the capitalist society. The movie is a literaly metaphor of the social hierarchy, gender discrimination and symbolic violence. In addition, the production show the SEXUAL DIVERSITY and the VARIETY OF IDENTITIES in a funny story.

I like this movie, because it show the gender problematic by a simple image and story that any girl or boy can to understand. And the contents of the movie can be relevance in the dialy of the girls and boys.

Finally, I like the production because I think that we have to assume our identities, diversity and problematics for create a gender dispute. Is necesary  stop to think that the feminist person is a "masculine woman" or that a feminist woman can`t be female. I think that we are subjects and we learn to be man or woman in a patriarcal society. I am a female woman because the society teach me to be a woman and now, I am feminist female woman and it isn`t bad !!! Please, is hour of take ours bodies and create dispute of ours culture bodies :)

The Pink, the female girls or Regina Georges can be feminist too !!

Friday, 24 October 2014

A little of our sexual bodies

Hello classmates ! I am not sure about I tell you that I like the feminist action. It´s necessary tell this for write this post. Anyway, today I want to talk about things that I have been thinking in the last time.

I believe that for think in feminism, is necessary understand that we are victims to the system. For this reason, the particulars persons live the patriarchal problem every day. In general, the feminism understand that the sexual problem that live the society; is consequence to the patriarchy system. The rules of society are make for men. In this situation, the woman and the others sexual identities are forgotten. The gender`s rules are express in our bodies and our behaviour is based in this hegemonic sexual division. 

In other way, I want to say that I think that is necessary that the people understand the gender problem, because the situation is present in our daily life. The patriarchy is violent !! The sexual discrimination is a phenomenon that happen in the street, job, school, university, politic spaces, private spaces, home, etc. In addition, the level of the discrimination depends of the position of the person in the society; for example, a man can be suffer  for have  masculine-hegemonic behaviour, but an aborigine woman can be suffer sexual and xenophobic discrimination.

I wrote this explication for invite you to talk about the woman experiences. With a good friend, Consuelo, have been speaking about our bodies and the control that the system have about their. In this context, we will have a "taller" to speak and understand about  our "formal bodies". In fact, the symbolic system and the medical system have control of the natural process of our bodies and our sexualities. On one side, this control is problematic  because we are accustomed to use chemical elements, like pill contraceptive. For other way, there is a symbolic problem, because the society teach that the woman body is subordinated, our menstrual flow is  horrible and our bodies smell bad.

We think that is necessary finish with this taboos; and is the moment to think that the feminist action began with think in our bodies.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Halloween !

Well, it´s October ! and I began the organitation of Halloween :D !! The last year I made a party in my house for celebrate this date, and this year, I am thinking in do other party.

The last year was the first time that I celebrated Halloween. Basically I don´t believe that is a date important for our culture, but with my friends, we thought that it would be funny to look think in customes.

My friends <3

In fact, my friends and me searched customes in many places for a long time. I believe that the preparation for the party was incredible, because the customes were created for many minds. In addition, I bought decoration that were similar to spider webs. I was very happy in this day because the others guests ( the persons that don´t be part of my frien group) went to the party with customes too.

I tried to represent the popular publicity "We can do it" and I wear jeans clothes and a red hairband in the hair for represent the american labourer. This image was to create for call to the woman for work in the factories, because men were fighting in the war. Now, the pin-up style and the message to the publicity are use for think in the feminism and defend the power of the woman (in a literal way).

We can do it !

For this year, we are thinking made a Halloween´s party, but with a different. This party will have a particualr tematic !! I hope that the peolple follow the new tematic and come with customes to my party.

Friday, 3 October 2014

She is my friend :)

Hello classmates ! Today I will go to talk about a good friend. I think that I have lucky with my friends, because in my life I have had a lot. I have been in three cities in my life, and I have friends in each one. In this occasion I will present you a person who is with me always; literally.

Josefina is my cousin, my friend and the person with I live. The true is that our grandparents are cousins and for this reason we say to the people that are cousins too; but the really is that we don´t share the same DNA.

We are elegant people :)

There are photos that show that we met when we were babies. But, I don´t remember a relationship with her when we were childrens. Like our grandparents were born in the same place in Chiloé, we travelled to this town for visit to the family. In a summer, we coincide in travel in the same days. I think that in this summer, 2004, we realised that we were very similar persons. When we were children, we lived in Punta Arenas, and we has visited to our homes sometimes. Then, when I was 14 years old, I entered to the Josefina´s high school; but she is a one year more older that me and we had others friends.

When Josefina finished the High School, she came to study to Santiago. Secondly, I studied three years in Valdivia and  when I decided to change the university, Josefine offered

me to live in her department with her. We have lived two years together and is great !! We talk everyday about our daily life, we talk about the social contingence, we eat the things that we want, we go to parties, we go to the gym together, and I believe that we are happy.

In addition, we are similar persons. Josefina and me are saggitarius; her birthday is on november 29 and my birthday is on november 30!! The Josefina´s mother say that we born of the same place, I say that we born of the same star <3. Our zodiacal sign say that we are interesting, adventurer and funny persons (I only talk about good characters jaja) and for this reason I think that we are friends.

I believe that she is a great person. She is very proffesional in this area and for me is the best graphic designer of the history. I admire her talent, creative and mind. She can express feelings, opinions and critical information of graphic form. She (and me) believe that the graphic platform is a good way to show the reality to the people.

I forgot to say that she is crazy :S

Finally, she is a good life´s classmate, She is thinking in her friends and  her family always. She try to the people are happy. I have lucky to live with her.

....Joseee !!! I hope that read this, and sorry for the humiliation !! I love you <3

Friday, 26 September 2014

A woman folklrist : Violeta

In this week, we have to write about an important character of the country. In my opinion, the characters who have relation with the popular culture are very important because finally, they are in contact with the people. The relation of the people with the daily culture, make the no official history. Is necessary recognize the work of the teachers, historians, actors, musicians, etc.

In this opportunity I will go to refer about the life of a folklorist woman, Violeta Parra. She was part of an important Chilean family; the Parra`s family had been to do many contributions to the Chilean art. She was born in 1917 in a locality in the south of the country and she always was bound to the music because her father was a musical teacher. When her father died, Violeta was to live to Santiago because her brother Nicanor invite her. In this place, she sing in restaurants and bars. In addition, Violeta began to know about the politic life. She had children but never left to make music.

The work of Violeta is very interesting because she is part of the first generation of musicians that understand that the music is culture. She made a recompilation of the traditional music of the towns, neighborhoods and localities. Finally, she reproduced the music that talk about the identity; in this songs we can to read the characteristics of the chilean history. 

I think that Violeta is a great character of our history because she created a new way for read our history. Is important understand that the music is a memory support, because the messages have specifics intentions. The folk music generally have the intention to talk about the culture of the people; but is difficult keep this music in the contemporary society. I believe that in this society, the authorities that have the power can to create dispositives to keep the control of the people; and the music is a good dispositive. For example, in the Pinochet`s dictatorship, the "traditional cueca" was chose like a national dance for the law, because this structure dance reproduce a patriarchal ideology. (The "cueca chora" is a mechanism to resistance of the traditional dance)

In fact, I believe that the Violeta`s music is a support of the no official history, and the letters are true and honest. In addition, it`s amazing that she wrote about her experiences, because the true history is about persons, subjects, relations, and feelings.

She was a woman and she entered in a men`s space. She could to enter to the culture and the politic and she changed this spaces. 

"Arauco tiene una pena 

que no la puedo callar 
son injusticias de siglos 
que todos ven aplicar, 
nadie le ha puesto remedio 
pudiendolo remediar 
levántate Huenchullán"

(Arauco tiene una pena)

Friday, 29 August 2014

Pop Culture and the globalization

In occasions, I think that the pop culture is a bad referent for the society. But, in other occasions, I think that this situation isn´t so problematic. Now, what is the pop culture? and, How the pop culture influence in our life?

For me, all the things that exist in the society are "culture", especially, the things that are product of the social relations. But in specific, the pop culture is the evidence that is product of the modernity and the idea of the "global world". We live in a world that is full of identities, because we have different histories and we have the possibility to choose any way of life. We can to think that this condition only exist in the west society, but now, are happening in a great area of the world.

I think that the problem (or no problem :s) is that we are living the globalization. With this situation, now exist something like a "culture`s explosion", because we have the tools to experiment any identity and use elements that didn´t exist here before. This global system have mechanisms for arrive to the people; the mechanisms that help to keep the system are the publicity, the new technologies, the T.V, the social networks, etc.

For this condition, today, we can see in our society a lot of identities groups. They adopt characters of others cultures like the people that practice hip hop or the young people that dance Asiatic performances. In our daily life we can see the products of the globalization too: we have facebook, we can to talk with people that live in other continent, we can eat sushi, we can listen music in other idiom, etc.

But the globalization have a problem: the dependence. In this ocassion, I don´t want to talk about the economic dependence with the developed countries (This is a big problem !). Now, I am talking about the "daily dependence"; we need computers, video games, music and T.V. In our country, for example there are poverty problems, and the people prefer buy technology before that help to the others. In fact, anthropology invetigations said that there are people that prefer buy a car before to fix the floor of their houses. THE GLOBALIZATION CREATE AMBITIOUS FEELINGS.

But the people haven´t the fault. The fault is of the system. I think that we have to recognise that live in this system, but we can to ta take the globalization´s tools and do good things with this products. My positive message is that WE CAN LEARN TO THE OTHER CULTURES, KNOWLEDGES AND FEELINGS.

Sorry for my excessive and long post :(

Friday, 22 August 2014

I would like to know the mexican people :)

I would like to know Latin America. I feel that is necessary learn about the cultures that are near to our country. We share with the Latin american countries the same history. If we break the borders, we would break with the stereotypes and we would appreciate the wonderful cultures that exist in our land.

Following this argument, I want to know Mexico. In fact, I would like to return to Mexico, because I traveled to this place when I was a child. In this time, I didn´t appreciate the culture and now, I am very repentant. I traveled with my family and we stayed in a wonderful hotel, but I didn´t know outside of the "tourist area".

Now, I believe that this country is interesting for many reasons. In a first place, Mexico have a rich official history. The maya and azteca cultures existed here and now, there are archaeological register. Of course, I would like to visit the archaeological sites. 

Nevertheless, my principal motivation for travel to Mexico, is know the no official history. In this place,  different policies and cultural movements have developed. There are many identities, histories and legends.

In Mexico there are a traditional culture and exist a rich pop-culture. The diversity is important for this society. I would know the people, the little villages, the music, the food !! 

I would like to study in Mexico because the culture is alive !! In addition, the mexican anthropology is very developed and I think that would be incredible study near of this beach.